Vision & Mission of 
The Heart of Cinque Terre

We achieve this mission through all the efforts to live here, all the year.
With the help of ours guests, people who believe in a different world.
We cultivate the countryside using a non-confrontational and a collaborative approach, staying true to our values.
Our vision is to leave a sustainable world for future generations.
The Cinque Terre face unprecedented challenges: dwindling natural resources, declining economies, a rapidly changing climate and other threats require that all of us begin to work together to reach common solutions.
More than ever before, we must find innovative ways to ensure that the Cinque Terre National Park can continue to live.
This is a time of opportunity. A time to move conservation from the sidelines of global priorities to the center of the world stage because the future of these lands depends on a safe, diverse and protected environment.

Our commitment to the environment

Waste sorting

We carry out separate collection of plastic, paper, glass, metals, batteries, and textiles.

Renewable Sources

We take our electricity from Iren, a leading provider of renewable energy, renowned for its commitment to sustainable power solutions.


All food scraps are composted along with the remains from mowing the grass and pruning.

Reduction of car usage

By offering a complimentary transfer service, we encourage the use of trains and a drastic reduction in the environmental impact caused by cars.

Water saving

We constantly promote water conservation, the most important element for life on the planet.


We propose the use of electric vehicles for visits within the park, significantly reducing toxic emissions.

New trees every year

Every year, we plant new trees on our properties, thereby increasing their beneficial impact on the environment.


We constantly encourage our guests to follow our practices even in their daily life.
                 WWF                     Greenpeace           Friday for Future               Earth Island Institute     Sea Sheperd

Bees and other pollinating insects

We do not use chemical insecticides to keep bees and other pollinators away, as we passionately believe in fostering a healthy, thriving ecosystem that benefits all living creatures.

Instead, we focus on implementing natural and environmentally friendly methods to manage pests, effectively promoting a balanced and harmonious relationship between plants and pollinators.

This thoughtful approach not only helps to protect the vital populations of bees but also safeguards other beneficial insects that play a crucial role in our environment.

By prioritizing these sustainable practices, we contribute to the overall health of our ecosystem, ensuring that it remains robust and productive for generations to come.

Go vegan
We accept

At our properties, we wholeheartedly embrace the values of inclusivity and diversity, recognizing the unique experiences and perspectives that each individual brings.
We extend our unwavering support to all our guests, ensuring that everyone feels welcome and valued. This includes members of the LGBTQ community, who are celebrated for their identities and contributions. We also prioritize the well-being of individuals who place a strong emphasis on mental health, creating a safe and supportive environment where they can feel comfortable and understood.
Our commitment to inclusivity extends to BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) individuals, as we strive to honor and uplift their voices and experiences within our community.
Additionally, we recognize and respect the choices of those who follow a Vegan lifestyle, offering options that cater to their dietary preferences and values. Furthermore, we are welcoming to individuals who identify as 420-friendly, ensuring that they can enjoy their time with us in a relaxed and accepting atmosphere.
In all that we do, we aim to foster a sense of belonging and acceptance, making our space a haven for everyone, regardless of their background, beliefs, or lifestyle choices.
We believe that by embracing diversity and supporting one another, we can create a richer, more vibrant community for all.
Sustainable Tourism

The growing urgency to minimize environmental impact extends to the tourism sector as well. Therefore, placing emphasis on sustainable and responsible tourism is not just essential but also presents a range of achievable priorities alongside economic advantages.
Advocating for sustainable and responsible tourism has become crucial in light of the sector's anticipated growth: recent forecasts from the World Tourism Organization (UN Tourism) suggest that in 2024, there will be 1.4 billion international tourists worldwide, by way of stays, reflecting an 11% increase over 2023, or a rise of 140 million. As the sector's reach extends to more remote areas, the accompanying risks to local communities, ecosystems, and climate become increasingly pronounced. Hence, the need for sustainable tourism grows more pressing.
It’s no coincidence that the sustainable development goals set by Agenda 2030 align with this vision: indeed, two out of the 17 Goals specifically focus on sustainable tourism. In Goal 8, "Decent Work and Economic Growth," the objective is to design and execute policies by 2030 that promote sustainable tourism, thereby fostering job creation and celebrating local culture and products. Meanwhile, Goal 12, "Responsible Consumption and Production," calls for the development and implementation of tools that can effectively monitor the impacts of sustainable practices on tourism, thus enabling the creation of jobs and support for local culture and products.
The heart of Cinque Terre App
Emma AI Assistant
Bipoc - LGBTQ+ - Leave No Trace - 420 friendly - Mental Advocate - Peta
The Only One