Sea Cetacean Sanctuary

The Cinque Terre and the Sea Cetacean Sanctuary

The waters of the Cinque Terre Marine Reserve, along with the entire Cetacean Sanctuary established in 1999, constitute a significant biological area characterized by a high concentration of nutritious elements, comparable to those found in the Atlantic Ocean. This richness is facilitated by a favorable current system that promotes water mixing and enables nutrient upwelling from the seabed, in conjunction with the influence of winter winds that enhance the distribution of these nutrients throughout the water column. As a result of these conditions, approximately two thousand fin whales, along with numerous other cetaceans such as dolphins, goose-beaked whales, and sperm whales, migrate to the Ligurian-Occitan basin, including the Cinque Terre, in search of food as they prepare for the winter months.

Dolphins, Whales and Sea Turtles

The Sanctuary was established in 1999 through collaboration among France (Côte d'Azur and Corsica), Monaco, and Italy (Liguria, Tuscany, Northern Sardinia). Italy ratified the agreement via Law No. 391 in 2001. Recognized as a special protection area under the Barcelona Convention, it has gained acknowledgment from all Mediterranean nations. This marine area spans about 100,000 square kilometers and features unique environmental conditions that support a food chain for cetaceans. Approximately one thousand whales, along with 30,000 to 40,000 dolphins (spotted, common bottlenose, short-beaked), have been documented within the Sanctuary. Sightings of Risso's dolphins, sperm whales, Cuvier's beaked whales, and pilot whales are also reported, with occasional common minke whales, all thriving and reproducing in these waters. Given the cetacean presence in the Ligurian Sea, habitat protection is vital, managed by protected areas and marine zones like Cinque Terre, which regulate activities that may harm marine mammals, including traffic, fishing, and tourism.

Twenty-one cetacean species

A total of twenty-one out of nearly eighty cetacean species inhabit the Mediterranean Sea, including notable examples such as the fin whale (Balaenoptera physalus), the common bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus), the striped dolphin (Stenella coeruleoalba), the increasingly rare short-beaked common dolphin (Delphinus delphis), and the sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus). Among these twenty-one species, eight are frequently observed in this region, with certain populations present year-round, indicating their residency in these waters where they find sustenance and engage in reproduction. Cetaceans are predominantly found in the western and central parts of the Mediterranean, while their presence diminishes in the eastern regions and the Black Sea. The Mediterranean's enclosed basin provides an optimal environment for these marine mammals, as they occupy the apex of the food chain. However, they face significant vulnerabilities due to various threats, primarily stemming from human activities. While cetaceans have few natural predators in their aquatic environment, the dangers posed by human actions are far more consequential.

Habitat Decline

The increasing influx of tourists, rampant urbanization, significant hydrocarbon presence, and global climate change pose substantial threats to marine ecosystems, rendering them less hospitable for sensitive species, including cetaceans. Urban runoff pollution can trigger eutrophication, where an excess of nutrients, primarily phosphorus and nitrogen from agricultural runoff and detergents, can lead to harmful algal blooms that are detrimental to marine life.

Chemical Pollution

Industrial development has introduced significant chemical pollution, which ranks among the foremost dangers to cetaceans. The concentration of pelagic tar in the Mediterranean Sea, averaging 38 mg per square meter, is the highest recorded globally. Various toxic chemicals resulting from human activities, such as mercury, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), and dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT), tend to bioaccumulate within the food web, posing serious risks to apex consumers, including both humans and cetaceans.

Sea Sheperd

Sea Sheperd

Sea Shepherd is dedicated to protecting the oceans through direct action campaigns, advocacy, and education. Founded in 1977, the organization confronts illegal fishing, whaling, and other harmful practices threatening marine wildlife and habitats. A key strategy is direct intervention, where crews deploy ships to monitor and disrupt illegal activities in critical marine areas using non-violent tactics. They document these actions to raise public awareness and support for conservation.

Sea Sheperd
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