Dolphins, Whales and Sea Turtles
The Sanctuary was established in 1999 through collaboration among France (Côte d'Azur and Corsica), Monaco, and Italy (Liguria, Tuscany, Northern Sardinia). Italy ratified the agreement via Law No. 391 in 2001. Recognized as a special protection area under the Barcelona Convention, it has gained acknowledgment from all Mediterranean nations. This marine area spans about 100,000 square kilometers and features unique environmental conditions that support a food chain for cetaceans. Approximately one thousand whales, along with 30,000 to 40,000 dolphins (spotted, common bottlenose, short-beaked), have been documented within the Sanctuary. Sightings of Risso's dolphins, sperm whales, Cuvier's beaked whales, and pilot whales are also reported, with occasional common minke whales, all thriving and reproducing in these waters. Given the cetacean presence in the Ligurian Sea, habitat protection is vital, managed by protected areas and marine zones like Cinque Terre, which regulate activities that may harm marine mammals, including traffic, fishing, and tourism.