New Italian Traffic Rules

A Focus on Alcohol, Drugs, Mobile Phone, Speeding and Road Safety

Italy, a nation celebrated for its love of driving and picturesque roads, has recently enacted important changes to its highway code.
These updated traffic regulations are designed to improve road safety and mitigate the tragic consequences of accidents.
Among the most significant alterations are tougher standards concerning alcohol and drugs consumption while driving.

This article will explore the critical components of these new rules, focusing specifically on drugs and alcohol-related offenses and the strategies implemented to combat this hazardous behavior. Below are the primary areas addressed by the new 2024 road code.

One of the main novelties introduced in the new 2024 Road Code is the lifelong suspension of a driving license for those who drive under the influence of drugs and commit very serious driving offenses, such as failing to stop after an accident.

A suspension of the driving license from 7 to 15 days is foreseen for those who violate the Road Code in 2024, along with a deduction of 20 points for the following offenses: exceeding speed limits (between 10 and 40 km/h), running red lights, making illegal turns, overtaking where prohibited or on the right, failing to yield, failing to obey a traffic officer, failing to maintain a safe distance, driving against traffic, and highway violations.

Furthermore, other offenses that will result in a short suspension of the license include: failure to wear or improperly wearing a helmet on mopeds and motorcycles; failure to use or improperly using restraint systems (meaning supports to hold child seats securely) and anti-abandonment devices; using a mobile phone or other devices while driving.

In the case of very serious and repeated offenses, the driving license may be permanently revoked, and if an accident is caused, the suspension period is doubled.

Traffic Rules on alcohol

The new Italian traffic rules on alcohol establishes specific rules for those who drive under the influence of alcohol. In particular, for a blood alcohol level between 0.5 and 0.8 grams per liter, a penalty ranging from 573 to 2,170 euros may be incurred and the driving license may be suspended for 3 to 6 months. For a blood alcohol level between 0.8 and 1.5 grams per liter, there may be a double penalty, with arrest for up to 6 months and a fine between 800 and 3,200 euros, in addition to the suspension of the driving license from 6 to 12 months. Finally, with a blood alcohol level exceeding 1.5 grams per liter, there may be imprisonment from 6 to 12 months and a fine between 1,500 and 6,000 euros, and the suspension of the driving license from one to two years.

In the event of a positive test, the driving license will be immediately revoked, and subsequently, there will be a three-year ban on obtaining a new license

Driving Under the Influence of Drugs

Individuals who test positive for drugs in saliva tests will have their driving licenses suspended and will be unable to obtain a new one for a minimum of 3 years. The new 2024 Road Code implements changes regarding drug-impaired driving. For those caught operating a vehicle under the influence, it will no longer be necessary to demonstrate a state of psycho-physical impairment. A positive saliva test will be adequate to prompt the suspension of the driving license, and it will not be possible to reapply for one for at least 3 years.

Law enforcement personnel will have the authority to collect a saliva sample right at the roadside, in accordance with procedures set forth by specific directives from the Ministry of the Interior. If this cannot be executed, officers may escort the driver to either fixed or mobile public or accredited healthcare facilities for sample collection.

If the initial test returns a positive result law enforcement agencies are still permitted to revoke the driving license.


For exceeding the speed limit by 10 to 40 km/h, a penalty is imposed that ranges from 173 to 694 euros. Should this violation occur within a built-up area and be committed twice within the span of a year, the fine may increase to between 220 and 880 euros. Additionally, there is a possibility of a driving license suspension lasting from 15 to 30 days.

Speed Cameras

Speed cameras are now equipped to identify multiple infractions.
The new regulations around speed cameras, published in the Official Gazette and set to take effect from May 28, 2024, state that they may only be installed in regions with a high incidence of accidents where immediate verification is either impractical or challenging due to structural constraints. In addition, speed detection systems are not permitted on roads where the speed limit does not exceed 20 km/h below the maximum statutory limit.Consequently, speed cameras are not allowed in urban zones where speed limits are below 50 km/h, on urban roads officially designated as "zone 30," and on non-urban roads where the speed limits fall below 90 km/h. This means that if the requirement is to maintain a speed of 90 km/h or less on a segment, mayors cannot authorize the installation of speed cameras to monitor compliance.

Additionally, in situations where multiple speed camera citations are issued for a single road section within the same hour by the same enforcement agency, only the most severe penalty will be imposed: this will be the highest fine, increased by one-third if it is the more favorable option.

Moreover, speed cameras must be adequately indicated with a warning sign positioned at least one kilometer before the camera itself.

In a significant change, the photographs that accompanied speed camera fines as evidence for traffic violations, which were previously sent to the car owner's residence, will no longer follow this protocol. Although fines and related notices will still arrive at motorists' homes, these will omit photographs of the vehicle involved.

The authorities will maintain custody of the photos, which will be available to the motorist upon request if they choose to contest the speed camera citation. Importantly, privacy safeguards must be upheld; thus, any images captured by speed cameras must ensure the faces of third parties and license plates of other vehicles are blurred or rendered unrecognizable.

Additionally, the go-ahead has been given for "boat speed cameras" to monitor speed in the waterways of Venice.

Mobile Phones While Driving

For those who drive while using a mobile phone, the driving license will be withdrawn for one week if the offender has between 10 and 20 points on their license, while those with fewer points will have their license suspended for 15 days. For the first offense, there is a fine ranging from 250 to 1,697 euros and the suspension of the driving license from 15 days to 2 months. In case of recidivism, the fine is from 350 to 2,588 euros, in addition to the suspension of the driving license from 1 to 3 months and the deduction of 8 to 10 points.

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